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7 Travel Tips with Kids

Author: Libby - Printique by Adorama

What were some of your best memories growing up? Was it playing sports, spending time with friends or taking vacations with the family? According to Alamo, 90% of kids say their best memories come from family getaways.
With autumn underway and the leaves changing colors, now is the perfect time to hit the road with the famjam. Before you do, here are five travel tips to help make sure everyone enjoys the ride.
Sure you’ll make sure they pack enough appropriate clothes and toiletries but let them pack their roller or backpack. They can put their toys, books or electronics in it. They can also pack a comfort item from home, a stuffed animal or special blanket. This gives them responsibility and makes them part of the planning. Just make sure to do a final look through their bag to make sure they didn’t bring along their favorite and heavy rock collection.
2. Healthy Snacks
We all get hungry during travel. Take the time to fed them right. Pack some go-to treats. According to, granola bars, and high fiber, low sugar cereals for little ones will help get them through to the next big meal.
3. Prepared
Pack a  first aid kit for your travels. Sometimes finding medicine for children during a trip can be daunting, so pack bandaids for scrapes and boo boos and medicine for motion sickness, fever reducer, etc. Always pack more than what you think you need in case of unexpected delays in travel. has some great advice on what medications to pack specifically for children.
4. Book Ahead
Traveling with children is a lot different than when you were solo and could book things on a whim. Make sure you have lodging all set up and know your check in and check out times. Arriving at a hotel 2 hours before your room is ready with tired, hungry children can often be stressful.
5. Leave Wiggle Room
Children are often stimulated with new sights and sounds, and it can be overwhelming. Scheduling a little down time each day to regroup and refresh will help your kiddos reenergize.
6. Let Them “Snap” – Pictures that is…
Finally, give your children a camera or phone to take pictures from their point of view from your travels. It’s fun to see your family trip through someone else’s eyes. Make a special photo book, prints just for them from their images. It encourages them to take pictures, be involved and it adds a reward at the end that will last for years.
7. Back it Up
Take the time to not only photograph your children on your adventures but to also back it up. There are plenty of free online storage sites where you can upload your images. Try to get into a habit of doing it every night or every other night. If you were to lose your camera or phone, your snapped memories would be gone. When everyone arrives back home then after your epic adventure, it’s easy to go through your images, organize them and order a photo book that documents this fun time in your family’s life.
No matter where you take your kids,  what’s important is enjoying your time together and making memories for a lifetime! Read HERE how one photographer takes his family and camera around the world on his travels!