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Here’s a treat for our members. It’s our ghoulish guide to photographing the little monsters, witches, princesses, and wolverines for Halloween.
A lot of neighborhoods now only have trick or treating for children during the afternoon. This is a great time to photograph the kids, get them while there is still light out. If your kids and neighborhood are old school and like to wait until the moon is out, you can encourage your kids to try on their Halloween costume before the big day and take snaps then. It’s always easier to get your camera to focus during the day as opposed to night time.
Although it’s great to get the complete costume, make sure to move in. You’ll want to get a full length, a 3/4 and a close-up. On the close-ups, feel free to get the face, the hand on the trick or treat bag or even on their shoes. Getting creative means thinking outside the norm.
Action shots are always fantastic when photographing the little goblins. Photograph them at the doorstep. It’s fun over the years to see how they measure up to the same doors in the neighborhood as they get older. With your closest neighbors, have them also get a picture of your child — from the angle of the person giving out the treats.
Get a picture of the candy haul.. and just the haul. Candy changes over the years and when you photograph the small details it will be a great childhood memory for your wee ones. Remember the Reggie bar? No? It was my favorite candy bar as a kid because Reggie Jackson was my hero. I wish I would have had a picture of it in my Halloween stash because those were the ones I ate first.
Life is short, your little ones don’t stay little forever. Make an Printique photo book to remember these precious times. By following some of these simple tips, you’ll be able to fill up a photo book with images from the day, or you can keep it simple and add a few spreads to your annual photo book. Printique has plenty of frightful backgrounds and stickers to add just the right amount of scary and cute into your Halloween photo books and page spreads.
Looking to add some fright to your Halloween Decor? Check out our 31 FREE Halloween Printables HERE.