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The early moments of your baby’s life are fleeting — time moves so quickly while you marvel at all the amazing things your child can do. Capturing these milestones in your baby book preserves those precious memories forever.
Have you heard of FOMO? The phrase is an acronym the kids are using that stands for “Fear of Missing Out,” and it’s an affliction of many young singletons today.
Sadly, FOMO does not go away when you hang up your dancing shoes to spend your time caring for your new baby. On the contrary, that’s when FOMO turns quickly into fear of forgetting your child’s important first years.
It’s not an unreasonable fear: babies change so quickly in that first year as they learn so many important things. To make matters worse, you’re often exhausted throughout the entire period, which can make it all feel like a blur. Good thing you always have your camera with you to keep your memories steady and clear — the more photos you snap, the more you can remember.
Of course, the more bleary you are, the more blurry those photos might turn out. Luckily, BRIT+CO. has shared some great ideas they found all over the web that can help you take the photos that capture your baby’s first year and create a memory book you can be proud of.
Once upon a time, there was another baby in the house. This baby was used to being king of the castle — that is, until the newbie came home. That’s when the dog was suddenly just a dog. Restore Fido to his former glory by including him in the photos, just like Theo and Beau. Rock of Ages
As we’ve said, the first year is full of changes. Capture them in film with a monthly update, like Famille SummerBelle. Use fabric letters, kitchen magnets, and whatever else you have on hand to mark the moment.
To experience all that life has to offer, your little bundle will have to wait a while. But with your own white chalk, you can take them on an adventure like Harold with his purple crayon. Let your baby fly over the moon, walk to the park, or play in the rain like this little one featured in Amy Bethune Photography.
Do you remember going to the movies? Single people do it all the time, but then they have kids and don’t get out quite as often. When that happens to you, instead of lamenting the fact, take inspiration from Cardboard Box Office and recreate your favorites with the kids.
With these photos in your albums, you and your child will return to them again and again as they grow up. But the only way to create moments that can be reliably cherished for a lifetime is through a sturdy, beautifully printed photo book — like the ones you can easily design with Printique.
Choose your best photos, pick a theme, color scheme, shape, and size, and have your priceless memories shipped to you for a display your family will never forget.