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As summer slips away from the calendar, we start to think about fall and all of its marvelous colors. It’s the perfect time to brush up on landscape photography. Those scenic and sweeping views of fall trees are serious photographer goals. So, how do the pros get such amazing shots? Well, we asked some of our favorite shutterbugs. Here are their tips on capturing epic landscape photography.
When possible, use leading lines or S-shaped curves to draw the viewer into the photograph. Examples include railway lines, flowing water, and ridge-lines.
Filling your frame with interesting elements gives the viewer lots to look at, but too much can be distracting, and too little can be boring. Landscape photography is about capturing the landscape, but if we forget to include foreground, mid ground and background interest then those images can feel flat and uninteresting. Once you’ve found your scene that includes all of those things try capturing the scene at different heights and focal length. Photos that can make the viewer feel like they’re standing there themselves are oftentimes much more impactful, so try using a fairly wide lens, and good depth of field!
Lighting is one of the most important elements in shooting landscapes. Morning and evening light are considered magic hours or Golden hours because the light from the sun’s rays are horizontal and warm during sunrise and sunset, so shooting landscapes an hour after sunrise and an hour before the sunset is prime light for low contrast and warm golden tones. Objects lit by this light will seem to glow and be highlighted such as trees, plants and mountain tops.
Of course, you’ll need to print your landscape. The whole purpose of landscape photography is to print it large – make it a show stopper, a conversation piece. Metal Clusters are the best and most epic way to showcase all your hard work. They come in three different patterns (rectangle, square and grid). Pro tip: If it’s a color landscape print – make sure to print it on the WHITE metal to retain all of the detail and hi-lights. Ready to start your metal cluster? Click HERE to start your printing journey.