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Andree Ludtke/flickr
Want to make the most of graduation photo opportunities? This must-see list covers everything you need to remember for the perfect collection of graduation memories.
For an achievement as significant as graduation, you want your photos of the occasion to be perfect, and striking a great pose goes a long way towards achieving your perfect photo.
The pose you choose says everything about your personality — where you’re taking the photos, what you’re wearing, and the props you’re posing with all tell a story about you. Here are the top seven ideas to make your graduation photos as exciting as the event itself.
Penn State Beaver/flickr
Of course, every family wants to capture the moment that their child receives their diploma. If you’re hiring a photographer, it will be worth your while to ask them to stay for a couple hours to ensure you get every possible shot you might want. Remember: no set of graduation photos is complete without a pic of the hats being thrown into the air!
Depending on the format of the ceremony, snap some shots of the graduate collecting their scroll or waiting in line. Make sure to take pictures of the proud family members to really capture the emotion of the day.
Joan Nova/flickr
Don’t let the family shy away from the camera just because they aren’t the ones graduating. It’s just as much about the parents who helped the grad study, the siblings that were there for support, and the classmates that were with your grad every step of the way.
A picture of those closest to the graduate is essential to capturing the full experience of the ceremony. Let every member of the group pick their natural pose and allow each unique personality to shine through.
Chris Gilmore/flickr
Did the graduate spend a lot of time after school in the laboratory? Did they play sports? Get creative! You could throw on a lab coat or get on the football field, though we wouldn’t recommend both at the same time! The opportunities are endless for photos that really reflect the grad’s time spent at school and allow his or her personality to shine through.
This is the style a photographer is most often asked to use. It may involve sitting down on a stool in front of a neutral background, or potentially an iconic part of the high school or university campus.
It’s best to dress smartly for this elegant photo, or if you’re taking it on the same day as your ceremony, you may find it appropriate to wear your cap and gown.
Similar to sit-down photos, another elegant pose calls for the grad to look over their shoulder, symbolizing their movement forward after the important ceremony. The key to this one is ensuring that the graduate looks natural.
Don’t have them bend over backwards to produce an awkward smile. Make sure their body is relaxed, but don’t let the back slouch so that their posture remains smart. The portrait-photographer offers some other key posture tips if you need more help with this pose.
Daina Byrne/flickr
When the graduate and their classmates look back on their time at school, they’ll inevitably turn to one another and say, “Do you remember Mr. X?” It would be a missed opportunity to capture memories with the teachers that changed your graduate’s life — you never know when you’ll see them again!
Have the subjects shaking hands to show their mutual respect, or even pass the scroll along if the photo’s being taken on the day of the ceremony.
The photographer will need to be really tall for this one! Failing that, find high ground on the premises where you can take this timeless photo, featuring your graduate and his or her classmates looking up into the endless possibilities of the future.
The advantage of this pose is that you can fit many more people into the frame than with a typical grounded photo. Simply get into position and make sure that everyone is looking up at the camera.
These graduation photos have all been selected because they promise to produce an enduring part of any family’s photo album. The essence of these poses can capture the atmosphere of the ceremony, the support of friends and family, and most importantly, the graduate’s own personality.
When you’ve selected all the poses and props to make your graduation photo collection just right, have Printique put together a timeless, quality photo album to store the memories for years to come.
Not only are the photos in each album printed with the latest technology to ensure a crisp, vivid look, but each comes with a variety of customizable options, including the album’s color, size, shape, and material. We all cherish these important memories — why not cherish them in style?