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Our newest photo-a-day challenge is here!
This month, get ready to see the world around you through a new lens. You’ll be photographing the people and places you love, trying out new shutter speeds, and venturing down the “road less traveled” – whatever that may mean to you!
By the end of the month you’ll have a stunning collection of images – and quite possibly your favorite photograph yet!
Ready to see what the month of May has in store? Click the image below to download your own copy!
May 1st: The Sunset
Capture the sunset as it descends on the first day of the new month!
May 2nd: An Entrance
From beautiful doorways to garden gates, photograph an entrance of any kind today!
May 3rd: Reflection
From still water to mirrors and sleek metals, make the most of reflective surfaces today!
May 4th: Words
Incorporate words into a photograph today.
May 5th: Purple
Photograph something purple!
May 6th: Your Favorite Restaurant
Yes, this is an excuse to go out to your favorite restaurant! Photograph the food, the architecture, or the good company.
May 7th: Flowers
Take a photograph of flowers today (then give them to Mom tomorrow)!
May 8th: Mom
Take a photograph of the wonderful person you’re celebrating this Mother’s Day.
May 9th: A Skyline
Point out over the horizon and capture a beautiful skyline today!
May 10th: Best Dressed
Photograph the best dressed person you see today (yes, it can be you!).
May 11th: Eyes
Photograph the window to the soul.
May 12th: Starts with R
Rainbows, roadways, rabbits, radios, rings… photograph something that starts with the letter R!
May 13th: A texture
Whether it’s the shine of silk or the richness of velvet, incorporate a texture into today’s photograph.
May 14th: Bokeh
Elevate today’s photograph with Bokeh elements!
May 15th: Foliage
Appreciate the lusciousness of late spring foliage by photographing it today!
May 16th: Shadows
Incorporate shadows into today’s photograph.
May 17th: The road less traveled
Take a photograph of a ‘road less traveled,’ whether that be an overgrown trail, a private driveway, or the route you usually don’t take home from work.
May 18th: 6 A.M.
Take a photograph at 6 A.M.
May 19th: Extravagance
Photograph something extravagant.
May 20th: Slow Shutter Speed
Slow down your shutter speed today and see what happens in your photographs.
May 21st: Abandoned
Whether it’s a piece of furniture on the street or a deserted building, photograph something abandoned today.
May 22nd: A place you don’t belong
Go somewhere out of your comfort zone today!
May 23rd: Rule of Thirds
Use the rule of thirds in your photograph today.
May 24th: Footprints
Find a set of footprints to photograph.
May 25th: A bridge
Photograph a bridge from all of its dynamic angles, then pick your favorite shot!
May 26th: A meaningful location
Take a photo of a meaningful location.
May 27th: Looking down
Whether you’re peaking out a window or shooting from a drone, take a photo looking down.
May 28th: Electronics
Incorporate electronics into a photograph.
May 29th: Symmetry
Find symmetry in the world around you and shoot away!
May 30th: The grocery store
Find something extraordinary in the ordinary today at the grocery store.
May 31st: A celebration
Celebrate the end of the month – and take a photograph while doing it, of course!