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50+ Free Printable Art Downloads

Author: The Printique Team

Our largest ever collection of free printable art is here! Whether you’re looking for a statement piece, a splash of color, or a conversation starter, this eclectic collection of illustrations, photographs, and designs is sure to have exactly what you’re looking for – and so much more.

A free printable art piece from the public domain is displayed in a frame on the counter of an aesthetic room.

What is free printable art?

Before we jump into our largest collection of free printable art ever, let us explain what free printable art is.

If you’ve been following us on social media or keeping in touch over email, you’ll be familiar with our weekly feature of incredible finds from the public domain (or other free-to-print sources). In these collections, we showcase art that is free for public use due to either public domain parameters or a waving of copyright by the creator.

In some cases, a creator will give the public the green light to reproduce a piece of art, as long as it’s done for strictly personal use. But in the case where a piece of artwork belongs to the public domain, like the pieces below, your use of it is not restricted in any way. You can print it, sell it, modify it, advertise with it – and anything else you can imagine!

How do I know whether free printable art belongs to the public domain?

The best way to know whether free printable art belongs to the public domain is to find it within a public domain archive. Many large archival organizations, such as the Smithsonian and the New York Public Library, have enormous databases of art and literature that specifically belongs to the public domain. If you comb through these databases, you can confidently trust that every piece you find will have free-to-use standing.

If you stumbled upon an art piece you love not through a public domain collection, you can discern its condition based on its information. Look at its copyright status, its year of creation, and its creator. Then, compare this information with what qualifies a piece for the public domain to see if the piece you found belongs!

So I can do anything with the art below?

That’s correct! Every piece below belongs to the public domain. To download any of the images below simply click on its framed image. This will redirect you to the image’s download page. Once on this page, simple right click (or command click) and download the image!

Once downloaded, the opportunities are endless! You can print your favorite image as a poster print for personal décor, turn your top 20 picks into a photo book of public domain images, or sell prints online of your favorite finds.

You can find more information on each image by clicking the link in the image’s description. This will direct you to the image’s source page or secondary-source page!

Ready to find your new favorite creation?

Free Printable Art: Book Covers, Words and Adverts

Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Free printable art from the cover of a New York City atlas, displayed on a framed print.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Free printable art of the colorful cover of a fruit seed catalog, displayed on a framed print.
From the Library of Congress Digital Collection.
Uncovered by the PDR on My Beautiful Book Finds.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Free printable art of a The King and I poster, displayed on a framed print.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
Free printable art of a page from a poetry book, displayed on a framed print.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Free printable art from the collection The Language of Flowers, displayed on a framed print.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.

Free Printable Art: Fruit

From the Library of Congress’s Digital Collection.
Free printable art of a colorful peach tree branch, displayed on a framed print.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
Free printable art of vibrant watercolor strawberries, displayed on a framed print.
From the Library of Congress’s Digital Collection.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
Free printable art of a pineapple with a black background, displayed on a framed print.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.

Free Printable Art: Creatures of the World

From the NYPL Digital Collection.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
Free printable art of a gorgeous toucan illustration, displayed on a framed print.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
Free printable art of a hedgehog illustration, displayed on a framed print.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
Free printable art of a Dodo bird illustration, displayed on a framed print.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
Free printable art of an early X-Ray scan of a snake, displayed on a framed print.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.

Free Printable Art: Under the Sea

From the NYPL Digital Collection.
Free printable art of a beautiful pink fish, displayed on a framed print.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.

Free Printable Art: Foliage

Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Free printable art of a colorful cactus illustration, displayed on a framed print.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Free printable art of a vintage floral hotel menu, displayed on a framed print.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.

Free Printable Art: Insects

Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Free printable art of colorful caterpillar illustrations, displayed on a framed print.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
Free printable art of gorgeous insect illustrations, displayed on a framed print.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Free printable art of gorgeous insect illustrations, displayed on a framed print.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.

Free Printable Art: Travel

From the NYPL Digital Collection.
Free printable art of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, displayed on a framed print.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.

Free Printable Art: Miscellaneous

Free printable art of a vintage Kodak advertisement, displayed on a framed print.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
From the NYPL Digital Collection.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.
Free printable art of a pink skeleton hand, displayed on a framed print.
Uncovered by the Public Domain Review.

Tips for using free printable art.

If the public domain has officially won your heart, check out our top tips for creating amazing art with your future finds!

Don’t be afraid to modify it!

A large portion of the images and illustrations on the public domain are not meant to be printed as is. Don’t be afraid to crop, filter, distort, and manually adjust your downloaded image to prepare it for print.

Take a look at the two images below for example. The left is the cleaned up image, while the right is how the image was originally uploaded. The final image still maintains its original authentic feel, despite transforming into a cleaner and more artistic piece.

Your modifications can be so much more than just practical! Don’t hesitate to change an image’s contrast, hue, saturation, or composition in its entirety. The public domain is meant to inspire creative works, so if a creative idea comes into your mind when you come across a public domain image: pursue it!

Take the three images below for example. Each are prints of the same public domain find, with some significantly different twists! Thanks to these modifications, every image tells a unique story and reflects a unique style.

View the images in this collection as fuel to your creative fire!

Picture it on your wall.

Have you ever seen a piece of clothing on the rack and thought what a disaster, but absolutely adored it once you saw it being worn? The same thing can happen with visual art!

Art is made to be displayed, the same way clothing is made to be worn. Without picturing a work of art in its intended presentation, it’s impossible to accurately assess it. So, before dismissing a somewhat cool print for its messy edges or discolored scan, upload it to a photo editing site. Clean up the image as if you’re preparing it for print, and then edit it into a picture frame.

Whether you plan to frame your image or not, seeing it in frame is a great way to give yourself an idea of how it will display in print. Then, go ahead and decide whether it’s a must-have or not!

Pay attention to image size.

Plenty of gorgeous images in the public domain come from limited-size sources such as postcards or cigarette cards. While we’re all for bringing these limited-size images to life, definitely don’t ignore their limitations. In other words, your favorite 760px image won’t make for the best 16×24 inch poster above your bed; But that doesn’t mean there aren’t thousands of incredible large public domain images that will!

Instead, turn your smallest finds into perfectly petite décor, such as classic prints, acrylic blocks, or a mini photo book. When your prints, both big and small, arrive looking vibrant and sharp, you’ll be so glad you did!

Where can I find more free printable art?

Hungry for more? We don’t blame you! Lucky for you, there are hundreds of thousands of public domain images just waiting to be explored – and new content being added to the public domain every day!

If you’re new here, we recommend checkout our previously shared collections of free printable art. From WPA posters to scans from 19th century calligraphy books, we’ve covered an incredible range of work since the new year began.

We’re also huge fans of the non-profit organization Public Domain Review. They compile incredible collections of the best that the public domain has to offer. Their collections are presented in an easy-to-download format, along with additional information on the history of the art!

The largest databases of public domain materials are going to be found in the free use archives of large libraries and museums. The New York Public Library has a breathtaking color-coded presentation of their public domain images; But be warned, you could get lost in there for hours! The Smithsonian also has an easy-to-navigate database of open access images. You’ll find even more amazing images through the Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Getty!