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5 Tips for Winter Photography

Author: Libby - Printique by Adorama

Whew… looks like the Polar Vortex has passed! Let’s head back outside and have some fun.  Here are five tips to keep in mind for winter photography.

Keep Batteries Warm

The first thing you’ll probably notice is that your batteries don’t quite have as much power in cold temperatures than they do in warm weather. To get the most out your batteries, make sure they are fully charged before heading out. Also, bring backup batteries with you. Keep these batteries close to your body as the heat you generate will help keep them relatively warm. Just remember, when exchanging the cold ones for the warm ones which are which!
camera battery

Protect Your Gear

Always take precautions with your camera gear. The gear will help minimize the chance of condensation finding its way to the electronics and brains of your camera. Quality covers can run around the $45-$100. It’s a small investment considering what the cost would be to fix the electronics if they got wet. You can find some HERE on Adorama’s page.
camera cover

Watch Your Exposure

Bright snow tends to trick your camera making it think the scene is much brighter than it actually is and it will actually underexpose the image to adjust. This is where you take over. You’ll need to add exposure compensation. We found this great article on DSLR Lounge on how to properly meter exposure in the snow.

Great Gloves

Protecting yourself is paramount when going out into the elements. Make sure to get a great pair of gloves. You’re in the field working with dials and buttons, you’ll want gloves that are warm but also are thin enough to let you be able to work the controls quickly.
photographer gloves

Let Your Gear Acclimate

Going between sudden temperature changes can be hard on your gear. You’ll need to be a little patient with it and let it get acclimated. The key is to let the gear cool down or adjust to the cold weather. Start with your gear in your camera bag as you go outside. After a short hike and you found your spot, then take the gear out to photograph.
These are just a few tips for the die-hard snow and winter photographers. If you would like to take it a step further check out our blog post about five tips to embracing creativity during winter. Click HERE to view it.