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5 Photo Activities for Your Kids

Author: Libby - Printique by Adorama

Now is the perfect time to get creative with your little ones at home. In today’s world, it’s easy to take a photo but we’re taking this a step further. We want you to show them why you love photography, the art of it and to teach them the importance and the value of a memory. So give them a smartphone or an instant camera so they can immediately see the results. Here are 5 photo activities you can use to creatively challenge your children

1. The Every Day – Photo Activities

We are in the middle of history being made. As adults, we see the pandemic in one way. Children see it in a different way. Let them take six or so photos a day of anything that is important to them that day. Discuss the photos at the end of the day with your child. Get their feedback on why those photos are important to them.

Photo Activities Lesson: This is one of the most important lessons on this list. You are teaching your child the importance of documentation at this historic time. Although they may not be aware of the importance of this moment, as adults we do. When discussing the photos at the end of the day, take the opportunity to write their answers down. Whether you make a photo book of your own experiences or make one specifically for your child, include the text with the photo.

Photo Credit: @kelly_sikkema

2. Colors

This is for the younger ones to help them learn their colors. Give them a list of a dozen or so colors they will need to find throughout the home. Give them objects with a solid color, for example, an orange or yellow rubber ducky.

Photo Activities Lesson: This is a perfect moment to teach them the art of filling the frame with the color. Let the color fill the entire picture.

3. Scavenger Hunt

Give them a list of items they’ll need to find and photograph throughout the home. You can even break this down into a daily project. Give them 10 or so items a day to find and photograph. Here is the lesson, pick things that are in darker parts of the home. Then encourage them to take these items and take them into the light to photograph.

Photo Activities Lesson: By choosing items that are in darker parts of the home, you are encouraging your child to find the light. Let them take it to a brighter spot in the home, near the window to get better light. You can even have them take a snap of the item in the dark and then in the light to show the comparison.

4. Favorite Toys

Everyone had a favorite toy when growing up. Your children most certainly have theirs. Set up a make-shift backdrop and let your child photograph their favorite toys, one by one. You can use a blanket, a sheet, a big piece of cardboard, a curtain or even a rug for a backdrop. Each photo should be on the same background for a matching aesthetic. Let them choose as many items as they desire and let them set up the shot. They are taking control of the setup.

Photo Activities Lesson: This is a perfect lesson in commercial photography. You are providing them a background, how they set up and place their toy is actually letting them control the setup and the outcome. As we know, commercial and studio photographers must direct all aspects to achieve a certain look.

Photo Credit: @kelly_sikkema

5. Loved Ones

Every day, encourage your children to take photos of the people and the pets in the house. Encourage them to also take selfies. When they take your portrait, ask them questions so they can direct the photo. Where would you like me to sit? Should I look at the camera? Where should I place my hands? When you ask these sort of questions, you are instilling in them that they have artistic control over the final outcome. Have them do it every day. Keep these photos and add them to the family photo book.

Photo Activities Lesson: You’re teaching them about portrait photography. By engaging with them, you are teaching them they need to direct and communicate with their subject to get a particular photo. We promise you, they will show great pride in the final photo.

Your lesson in all of this is to help document what they see during this time in history. Order some of their photos as prints, or make a collage or better yet a photo book with their words. Teach them to not only to capture the image but to appreciate the result and the print.

Check out these other articles to help you keep creative.

5 Photo Projects to Try While You Work from Home

10 Household Objects to Elevate Your Portrait Photography.