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5 Easy Tips to Take the Perfect Selfie

Author: Libby - Printique by Adorama

By Julianne Mosher
Selfies are our guiltiest pleasures on social media. Admit it. When you are feeling yourself, you pretend you’re Kim Kardashian or Gigi Hadid with your iPhone. You shamelessly share them on Instagram or go hard with the flower crown filter on Snapchat. It’s okay, you can boast your confidence once in a while.
Apps and websites like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat have changed the self-picture taking game since their initial welcoming back in the MySpace-era. Some people have gotten it down to a science on how to take the best picture for the the world to see. Narcissistic? Maybe, but I think not. Selfies are the way to showcase your picture taking skills – if you do it right.
We broke down the best selfie taking tips so you can express yourself in the most appealing way while you post your pictures on the web.

5. Pick a Filter That Enhances You

Unless you are trying to accomplish a special type of artsy editing skill that matches the feel of your picture, stick with a filter that gives you the most natural looking glow. Valencia is great on the Gram because it gives its subjects a natural light that brightens their face and may even make those little imperfections on your skin magically disappear…

4. Natural Lighting is Always Going to be Your Friend

Never use a flash, ever. Flashes wash you out – not something you want to show off in a selfie. Instead, try to take selfies in natural light. Stand in front of a window when you selfie away or go outside (because fresh air is good)! Natural lighting can make your skin look flawless and make your eyes pop! Who doesn’t want that?

3. Embrace the Editing Skills You Taught Yourself in School

Most apps and phone cameras have fully adopted a more traditional, but great, feature that allows you to become a mini-Photoshop whiz. If filters are too fake for you, use the brightness, contrast and saturation tools to give yourself a natural tan or to brighten your smile. Another pro-tip? Use the sharpen tool to enhance the strength of your selfie. It helps to make the photo a little bit edgier – just don’t go too hard on it!

2. Show Some Confidence

It may sound cheesy, but say cheese when you smile for the camera. Show your followers that you are the happy person that you are appearing to be on the internet. In whatever selfie you take, sell it! Work the camera like Miley Cyrus.

1. Be Tasteful

The internet is here to stay… don’t post pictures that will prevent you from getting a job someday or that would make your grandmother cry. Cover up and treat your body the way it deserves to be treated… with style and with class.]

Looking for Instagram photography that is more than just selfies? Check out these six great Instagram photographers for truly inspirational art.