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The 5 Top Photography Marketing Trends for the Year

Author: Libby - Printique by Adorama

Back in the day, marketing was all about word of mouth. While, it’s still important, my how things have changed. We scoured the internet for the most effective and important photography marketing trends for 2020.

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1. Get LIVE-LY

Let’s face it, going live on Facebook and Instagram is a game-changer. It lets current and potential clients get to know you better and going live typically gets more attention than static photo posts. It tends to evoke emotion which helps with decision making. It’s immediate.

However, before going live, have a plan. Going live to just go live will just become “noise” in the social world. Be strategic, friendly and informative.

Here are some ideas ongoing live from The Modern Tog

-Show the images you’re currently editing and talk about your clients’ story as you give them a quick peek of the images via video

-Do client interviews that celebrate them but also talk about how awesome you are to work with

-Do an “unboxing” video when the prints, canvas, wall art, albums, and other products arrive

-Show your products in the homes of your clients right after you’ve installed them and ask them what they think

-Do tours of locations you’d love to shoot in and encourage people to contact you if they’d love to have photos there

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2. Blog Like a Boss 

Blogging is so important in today’s photography marketing trends. Why? Well besides the obvious, that it shows your best work it also helps with your SEO. Google is all about updates and great content so frequently updating your blog as well as SEO words often means you can rank higher in Google search for your industry.

Here are some things to keep in mind when blogging according to

-Know your why

-Choose your audience

-Be consistent

-Tie in your social media

-Show your best but not your all

-Get personal, but not too personal

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3. Tag Your Clients and Your Locations

Tagging your clients on social media channels often leads to them sharing it to their followers and friends. You’re opening up your business to a whole new pool of potential clients and the exposure is organic. You may want to contact your client first before tagging to show them what you are planning on releasing. This simple preventive step can save you from any

Tagging locations also has benefits. It shows you are active in that certain community and it exposes your business to new potential clients. It’s a win-win.

4. Set Up a Google My Business Account

If you haven’t done this already, you are missing on a golden opportunity to work with a little business called Google. When you set up a business account are allowing your business to show up on Google Maps. Plus your business will show up in other business searches.

Here are some other benefits to setting up a Google My Business account according to ThriveHive.

-Star ratings boost your appeal

-Rank higher in results

-Potential clients learn more about your business

-Increase traffic to your site

(Photographer Craig Bill’s unboxing video of his impressive metal print from Printique)

5. Video Testimonials

Just like going live, video testimonials from your clients will hit all the emotions. Let’s face it, photography is very personal and is unlike other products.  When your client is visibly happy and thankful because of your product and service, potential customers will feel it, as well. It’s organic. A video testimonial can hit those emotions in seconds, as opposed to a static post.

Here are the reasons why video testimonials work according to U-Screen:

-Video gets shared more often than static posts

-Video has a higher retention rate than text

-Consumers Trust User Reviews

-Video triggers emotions

-Video converts

Extra Tip

Back up your marketing with the high-quality photo products for Printique. Check out our new pro plan that is perfect to help you grow your business. Click HERE.