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Printique is committed to the security and protection of your data.
On August 1, 2021 Printique will be implementing new photo storage policies that will enhance the protection and security of your most sensitive and personal photos.
Your photos will no longer be stored indefinitely. Moving forward we will only keep your photos for two years. We will remove all photos older than that on the first of each month.
Storage will no longer be unlimited. The maximum amount of storage space for each account will be 100GB.
Pro Membership will include 1TB of storage for two years.
By limiting the amount of time we hold on to your photos, we can keep your data more secure while still allowing our customers to reprint their favorite memories.
With a 100GB storage capacity, you get more than enough room for all of your favorite projects while enhancing your experience on
Head on over to Printique and print out any projects, photos or memories that you want to revisit. Choose what photos you would like to remove or you can leave it to us.
We believe this change reflects our passion for customer excellence and will provide a more secure and enhanced experience to all of our customers. You can review our complete Terms and Conditions at any time.