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Instagram PixStoryteller – Matthew Chimera Photography

Author: Libby - Printique by Adorama

Every person has a story to tell of how they capture the magic they see before them with their photography. We are celebrating this with our Instagram PixStorytellers. Each week, a new photographer will join us on Instagram sharing their ideas, tips, and tricks for getting the best shot. This week we introduce you to Matthew Chimera aka @matthewchimeraphotography on Instagram.

How did you start in photography?

In high school, I took a photography class to count as my art credit. I ended up falling in love with it. Initially, I only did photography during special occasions, such as trips but always wished I did more. Then one day about 4 years ago I was sitting at home and was inspired by the beautiful cinematography in Skyfall (yes a Bond movie). As I was watching, I kept wishing I could go out and take photos like that. Halfway through the movie, I realized that I lived in a city with one of the most diverse set of photography options. I stopped the movie, grabbed my bag and went down to the Brooklyn Bridge in time for Blue Hour. From that point on, I made it a point to get out and shoot a minimum of twice a week (but usually more).
Matthew Chimera Photography Chrysler Building, NYC

How did you find your groove?

It’s gradually evolved over time. Initially, I started out focusing on Blue Hour cityscapes only. Then I realized that I could do a better job of incorporating other techniques (and times of day) and now I look to incorporate street scenes.
Matthew Chimera Photography New York City Street

What’s in your camera bag?

I’m a big Canon fan. You’ll always find my Canon 6D and Canon 24-70. If I’m going for something specific, I might also include the Canon 17-40, Canon 70-200, Sigma 35 and occasionally my Canon Speedlight.
Matthew Chimera Photography New York City Traffic

Advice for others starting out?

Find whatever inspires you and go out there and practice. Always have a vision of what you want to get, but also be flexible because life rarely goes according to plan.
Thank you, Matthew! Make sure to follow us on Instagram for his takeover. Click HERE to follow along!