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Home Improvement and Real Estate: 4 Prints You Need

Author: The Printique Team

When it comes to the real estate industry, you often get out of it what you put into it; But that doesn’t mean hard work is never met with hard times or that minor investments can’t reap massive rewards. Here are four easy-to-use photo print ideas that will lead you to accomplishments you didn’t think were possible and help you make the most of your home-focused career – whether your specialty is in interior decorating, home renovations, staging or sales.

Thank You Cards

Networking is a critical part of the real estate industry – whether you’re a real estate agent, a decorator, a landscaper, or anything in between.  Sending thank you cards – either soon after a project or as an end of year salute – is a great way to maintain strong relationships with the people you’ve worked with. They allow you to communicate with your clients in a cordial way; Bonus points if you direct them to where they can leave a positive review!

A Year in Review Book

A year in review book is an incredible tool; Fill your clients in on the successes of the year, say thanks, and let them know what you have in store for the future!  We love year-in-review books because they allow you to demonstrate your range to clients.  The client whose bathroom you redesigned will love the tile work you did in another client’s kitchen; The renter whose lease is almost up will love the new listings you showcased at the end of your book!

The possibilities are endless when it comes to a year-in-review book.  Get creative, highlight your strengths, and head into the new year with endless career prospects!

Decorate for an Audience

If you’re in the real estate industry, you know the key to selling a home is selling the idea of a home. Photo prints are as powerful as targeted décor can be.  Consider the usual buyer in your town: are they young couples? Elderly couples? Solo dwellers? New families? Friend groups? Create prints that reflect your top demographics.  If a young pregnant couple comes to see your listing and it’s filled with adorable baby photos and family vacation pictures, they’re going to immediately be able to imagine their lives there – and they’re going to love what they see.

If you work in the home improvement sector, use office decor to show off your favorite projects. This is an exceptional way to demonstrate your skills and authority in the space the second a potential client walks through the door; and who doesn’t love working alongside a gallery of their wins?

A Before and After Book

While seeing the end results of a construction project is impressive in its own, seeing what things looked like before you got your hands dirty fully demonstrates your skills. Capture the magic you work with a before-and-after book!

A before-and-after book allows you to showcase your talents in as much detail as you wish; While a photo of a remodeled house may look like nothing more than a job well done, you know the truth behind each carefully selected detail; You know that the porch lights were replaced with antique lamps for the perfect comforting glow; You know that the wraparound porch wasn’t simply remodeled, but built from scratch; You know that the window boxes were hand-painted – and hand planted! – with expertise. 

Whether you transform a house with construction or décor, a before-and-after book gives you the power to highlight all of your proudest details.