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Four New Year’s Resolutions to Make as a Photographer

Author: Libby - Printique by Adorama

Making and keeping a New Year’s Resolution is about as rare as spotting a unicorn in your backyard. However, we found four resolutions for photographers that can easily be achieved and done within the month of January! Boom! So let’s get started on the four new year’s resolutions to make as a photographer.

Back It Up 

(Time: 1 week)
You know all those great images you snapped in 2017? Now is the time to make sure you have them backed up and that you have a strategy in place going into 2018. Hard drives fail, no one is immune to it. There are a lot of different ways you can accomplish this feat. The rule of thumb has mostly been to make 3 copies of the images and store them on two different devices.

hard drive photography

Go Through Your Gear

(Time:1 week)
Take inventory of all your gear. (You’ll thank us later) Now make sure to write down all of the serial numbers and get the warranty information in one spot. Don’t have time to write it all down? That’s ok, take a picture of the serial numbers and name the jpegs after the gear.(Ex, Sigma50mm1.4.jpg) Then archive this information like you would your photos. Make three copies and put them on two different devices. In case any gear gets lost or stolen or damaged, you’ll have all of this information at your fingertips.

photography lenses

Website Tweaks

(Time 1 week)
Take a look at your website and freshen up some of the outdated images and text. We are not talking about a complete overhaul, but a simple refresh of some of your most recent work. Make just enough changes that if someone is revisiting your page they’ll have some fresh content. Also, Google likes it when you update your website. Click HERE to read more about ways fresh content can impact google ratings.

Print it Out

(Time 1 week)
Now is the time to print out studio samples! Go through your 2017 images and pick the best of the best. Try printing on new mediums. If you’ve never printed on wood, give it a shot. If you only print your photo books with luster paper, try silk. If you never print your work out, now is the time to do it. As a photographer, it’s important to complete the cycle from capture to tangible print. You’ll grow as an artist when you print your work and are able to hold it in your hands.

So there you have it, four goals, four weeks and it can all be done in the month of January. What important steps do you take every year to keep your business on track? Let us know in the comments!