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5 Tips to get Sharp Photographs

Author: Libby - Printique by Adorama

Ever hear the old saying, “You can fix it later in post” ?  Well that is true on a lot of photography issues, however, trying to get sharp images after the picture has already been taken through post processing doesn’t always work.  Instead, try these few tips to get images sharp right off the bat.
1. Set your AF Point
One of the most important things you can do is to use your navigation keys to choose your AutoFocus point selection within your image.  Typically, when photographing people and or animals set the point on the eye that is closest to the camera. Now, if you can’t get the AF point exactly where you need it, then you can always focus and recompose.  This is used best in low light situations or when your subject is in the corner of the the frame. In order to do this, you select the central AutoFocus point and move the camera on the subject. Then half press the shutter to focus the lens and recompose the shot. You will still have the shutter release button half released when recomposing the shot. Then press the shutter when the image is where it’s at in your viewfinder.


2. Use a Tripod 

Tripods are often awkward to bring along or you may think they just too heavy. However, using a tripod stabilizes the camera and reduces movement. Even when you use a higher shutter speed or brace yourself before pressing the shutter, there is still room for error or in this case blur.


3. Back Focus

Did you know there is a button on the back of your camera that can help you get  a sharper image? It’s the back focus button. Many pros often use this to get tack sharp images, however it does take some time to master. The button is located in different areas on different models of cameras. You’ll want to pull out your camera manual to find out the best way to use this button. I found a great tutorial on why this button is important and how to set up in your camera. Click HERE to read more.


4. Good Lens

There’s no getting around this one. Want a sharp image? Get a sharp lens. The best investment I have made in my photography journey has always been a sharp lens. The kit lens that comes with some cameras will not necessarily net you a sharp image. Instead, do some research and find out what lens is in your budget and will give you the sharpest image.  Whether you choose a prime or zoom lens, you should be able to rent them and test them out before making your final purchase. Prime lenses work best for low light. Zoom lenses work best for more action shots. Depending on what you are photographing, this will also help in your decision on which lens is best for you.


5.  Press Shutter Lightly

A softer touch will always net a sharper image when it comes to the shutter. When clicking the shutter, do it as lightly as you can. Your finger should be actually on the button and then gently press it. Also make sure your finger is in contact with the button to begin with instead of hovering over it.  Remember, more movement means more chance for blur. 


We know there are a lot more ways to get sharper images and we’d love to hear from you. Let us know what you do to master sharpness.

-written by Libby for Adoramapix

-images by Libby and Shutterstock for editorial purposes