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5 Tips : Sticking with Project 365

Author: Libby - Printique by Adorama

There are some great photographers out there that I admire who have the tenacity to stick with their project 365 throughout the year. Project 365 allows you to take a photo a day throughout the year chroniciling your life and your vision. It’s not an easy task but I asked some folks on their tips to help us stick with this rewarding project.
1. Discipline
I notice photographer TJ Powell’s 365 project on Twitter and I asked him about his biggest hurdle. He said, “My biggest obstacle was remembering to take the photo.  I tried to do this in 2010 but failed because I could never remember to take the photos.  So, this time I went with using my iPhone only, and I set up a reminder to take a photo at 6 PM so that I would not forget.  I tried to get the photos posted onto Facebook every day but there were many days that I had to post them in a group but I was able to get the photo on each day.”
If you need more direction or help check out the free app Project 365.  The app arranges your photos in a meaningful way, sends daily reminders and allows you to share photos with friends and family. It’s designed to help you easily keep on track for the year.
2. Details and Light

When TJ got into a rhythm of taking a photo a day, he noticed that he became more aware of the world around him. He said, “The 365 project challenged me pay closer attention to the world around me and pay attention to the light and subject to photograph. Over the year, I began to look at light and events during the day to be photo op.  I am now looking for things to take photos of all the time.  I think it will make me a better photographer to continue this project for 2014.”

3. Make it Easy
Don’t give yourself an excuse to skip a day. Bring your camera with you everyday and everywhere. It’s understandable you probably don’t want to drag your professional DSLR around with you, thanks to the inventions of smartphones with decent cameras, you now have the opportunity to have a camera with you. TJ said, “All of my photos were taken with the iPhone, none on this project were taken with my “regular” cameras.   I found it to be much easier to do it this way as it is always with me and I was able to process and get the photos ready all in the palm of my hand and not have to get to the computer.  “
4. Experiment
Although there needs to be some rhythm and discipline to Project 365, it’s also a channel to let you allow you to break out of your comfort zone. You’ll find throughout your year, you’ll crave creativity more and will challenge yourself. Otherwise your project becomes a job and you’ll get bored with it easily and will abandon it.
(stock photography)
5. Save It Organize it Print It
Keeping a handle on 365 images can be daunting, but thanks to the popularity of the project there are now apps to help you efficiently save and organize your images. TJ said he relied on CollectPhotoApp. The basic version is free on Itunes you can also upgrade to the pro for $1.99. Another great one is called Photo 365 available on Itunes for $1.99.
Finally, don’t forget to print it! you can print out these square calendars through Adoramapix. You can print them out individually or make a great keepsake photo book. You can also do a combination maybe have a calendar on page and a few of your favorites on the next.  Let your creativity flow while archiving it for future generations.