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Photo Book Design Corner || Graduate Sign in Guest Book

Author: Libby - Printique by Adorama

Graduation is a huge milestone for kids. They are embarking on a new path in life.  To celebrate this new chapter, a lot of families will have graduation parties. With this in mind, why not take the opportunity to make a sign in book for the graduate’s party?
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Not only is an Printique  photo book of the graduate a great idea, but a guest sign in book is a perfect way to remember friends and family who were there to take part in the celebration. Sign in books aren’t just for weddings. We’ll show you how to make a customized sign in book for the senior.
First you’ll find the the guest sign in books under the “wedding” catetogory. Look for Floral Guest Book, Guest Book (Classic) or Guest Book (Refined). For the purposes of this post, we will use the Guest Book Refined.
I typically start with the interior pages as it is easier to just drag and drop your images. When placing images on  photo book pages, make sure to either have a matching theme or tones. For this spread, we chose the theme of her purple hat.Graduate-GuestBook-Printique (1)
The interior pages are quite easy to configure, so let’s spend some time on the cover.
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You’ll notice on the cover it has black elements. This is quite harsh for the guest book we are trying to accomplish. To change the color on the front, simply click on the area you want to change. Go to the top bar under color. There you will see a plethora of colors to choose from. You can also do a custom color by clicking on the eye dropper then clicking on a color in the image.  In this example, I clicked on her hat.
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It’s a small change but with a huge impact. The design now flows effortlessly and the tones match. The color hi-lights the image instead of distracting your eye from the image.  The guest sign in book doesn’t take long at all to design and it’s the perfect keepsake for the class of 2015 and beyond.